
1.     Surely the sun’s gravity pull on the moon is much larger than the earth’s. Why then does the sun not pull the moon away from its orbit around the earth? 

2.     Why are humans endowed with two eyes and two ears? Is the second organ just backup equipment or a spare, or has it another function? 

3.     There are six apples in a basket and six girls in the room. Each girl took one apple, yet one apple remained in the basket. How come? 

4.     The 22nd and 24th presidents of the United States had the same mother and the same father, but were not brothers. How could this be so? 

5.     A man who was not wearing a parachute jumped out of a plane. He landed on hard ground yet he was unhurt. Why? 

6.     Kiran was 20 years old in 1980 but only 15 years old in 1985. How come? 

7.     At the end of a long hard boxing match one boxer was knocked out by the other. The judges agreed it was a completely proper victory. Yet during the course of the match no man threw a punch. What happened? 

8.     A man woke up one morning to find that one of the wheels of his car had a completely flat tyre. Despite this he set of in his car and drove 100 miles to visit a customer. Then drove 100 miles home. He did not repair or inflate the flat tyre. How did he manage to make the journey?

The answers for puzzles will be updated in the next post; let’s test your power of logic and your sense of humour to solve the questions.


  1. 2. To feel the 3rd dimension
    3. One girl had apple along with basket
    4. Both persons are same.
    5. Plane was already landed in airport
    6. 1980 BC and 1985BC
    8. Flat tyre was the spare one.

    1. Nice try . Check the answers with my next post


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