


 The only wealth our body naturally has is Immunity. Immunity in our body helps us naturally to fight back any bacteria, virus which is harmful to us. Nowadays, due to lack of immunity power our body fails to protect us from harmful microbes. So increasing our immunity is very important thing in modern life.

Firstly, immunity power is not boosted  by any medicines. Medicines will retain our immunity only for certain period. Human body and other organisms have natural immunity power to prevent them from diseases. But, they are reduced due to the unhealthy food habits and change in life style.

  Boosting of immunity may take long time like, months or years. But once we gain the required immunity power it will help to recover fast from any viral infections. Increasing immunity naturally inside our body is a best way to stay healthy and happily for long time.


Eating healthy foods is only not a way to boost immunity, but avoiding some foods will really help us to live healthily. We can eat all types of food with certain limits in certain foods.

1.    Fruits and Green vegetables

2.    Ginger, Cloves, Garlic.

3.    Turmeric

4.    Honey + (citric acid) lemon juice


Vitamin C food will help to boost immunity. But like medicines eating only for two days will not increase immunity, it takes some time to boost the power. So include these foods in our daily foods continuous for gaining immunity power.

Next one is to avoid or reduce intake of junk foods. Junk foods include animal proteins (meat), Pizza, burger, Maida products and any other food which contains more spices. These junk foods are immunity killers. Less eating junk food and eat more vitamin C foods.


1.    Walking, at least 30 minutes a person must walk in a day.

2.    Sleep, 8 hours of sleep is must. During day time the body metabolic activity is very fast and requires high energy, so at night most of the parts and body process slow down and start to take rest.  And at that time the parts of body which is weak or affected will be recovered (heal) automatically. Hence at least 8 hours of good sleep is must.

3.    Time, the most important one. We should keep up time in our day to day activity. The time to bed and wake from bed must be same daily, good time for sleep is 10.00pm and for wake up is 6.00pm.

Eating at time is also essential. Breakfast must be eaten within 9.00am; lunch is within 2.00pm, dinner within 9.00pm. Eating hurriedly is not a good habit; we must chew the food properly and slowly. A person must spend some time to eat properly, we are running and earning in order to live and eat, when we chew the food and eat slowly the nutrient and essential vitamins and minerals get into our body easily.

4.    Meditation, keep your mind relaxed. Only when our brain is fresh and stress free all the metabolic activities and hormonal secretions are processed   in correct manner.

      Going to Gym and getting massages is not a relief to body. Doing our regular activities at correct time and eating healthy foods at correct quantity will improve the immunity power.  Nowadays in digital world we forget to spend quality time for ourselves, watching smart phone, laptop; TV became a hobby for young generations. Spend time in reading books and learning new things will keep us relaxed, innovative and enthusiastic. Do healthy things and stay healthy.


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