Japanese Exercise for weight loss

Japanese towel exercise

        A Japanese doctor named Toshicki Fukutsuji developed a unique method about 10 years ago to become fit in easy and effective way. The Sedentary lifestyle can cause many problems with the spine and make you to gain weight. This simple technique will help you to get rid of abdominal fat and fix your posture in 30 days.

          All you need is a towel! And it only takes 5 minutes in a day to do this. Within a month your muscles will be toned, with thin waistline and back bones get strengthened .If you apply it correctly, your inner organs will be accommodated in best possible way and get in shape quickly.

1.    Take a  towel and make it roll up to 40cm length with 7cm-10cm width.

2.    It is better to place the towel in flat surface or use yoga mat. Place the towel roll behind you.

3.    Lie down slowly on back, by placing the towel just at the level of your belly button.

4.    Open your legs to width of 8-10 inches away from each other. Move your feet inwards so that  your big toes should point to each other.

5.    Stretch your arms, with the palms of hands touching the ground, little fingers touching each other.

6.    Stay in the position for 5 minutes.

7.    Get up slowly after 5 minutes, without stressing your joints.

This exercise not only reduces weight but also helps in curing your back pain and further strengthening your abdomen. The science behind it is that any extra layer of fat around the belly is basically a result of misplacement of your pelvis. The exercise claims to correct the pelvis placement, which automatically results in a small waistline.


This exercise is effective only when you place your hands, feet and towel in correct position. This method is good for posture correction, helps to reduce your extra waistline gradually and make your abdomen beautiful. If you have any medical problems it is better to consult doctor before you try this exercise.


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